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Meet Our Principal

Natasha Flint-Moore

As the current Principal of REACH Academy in the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD), my goals are to provide all students with a high quality education in a safe, supportive and inclusive learning environment where they can learn, thrive and become successful. In addition, my goals are to create a “culture of excellence” that meets the needs of the “whole child”. This includes equipping students with the skills, competencies and dispositions they will need to reach their maximum potential, as well as to meet the challenges of the 21st century and beyond!

Moreover, I am committed to empowering students, staff and families to become problem solvers, critical thinkers and future leaders who all work together to transform schools that make a difference in our communities. Together, these building blocks will lay the foundation for college, career and community success!

Previously, I served as the Principal of Dr. George Washington Carver Elementary School in San Francisco for four year. Carver Elementary School is a community of learners including students, parents and staff in Bayview-Hunter's Point who are dedicated to creating an academically rigorous, culturally caring and inclusive learning environment. Carver Achievers are goal-oriented, critical thinkers and community leaders who are dedicated to achieving the highest level of integrity and academic success. Every member participates in cycles of continuous learning and improvement that includes establishing high expectations, goal setting, action and reflection. We develop a culture of excellence that includes a robust instructional program aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) with a focus on implementing Balanced Literacy and building competency across all subject areas. This includes the integration of science, technology, engineering and math into the curriculum.  We seek to develop well-rounded students who exemplify health, wellness and character development. Through discovery, exploration, innovation, and creative expression, students receive rich, extended learning experiences while building a positive school culture where every member feels valued and respected.

Prior to this position, I served as a 3rd grade teacher and a Teacher on Special Assignment (TSA) working with attendance and truancy prevention at Stege Elementary School, a Title 1 school located in Richmond. While there, I served on the school leadership, data and CARE teams as well as served as a grade level chair.

I also taught 3-5 grade in the Travis Unified School District on Travis Air Force Base. My duties included, implement a standards-based instructional program; plan learning goals and objectives to meet the individual learning styles and diverse needs of students; assess and monitor pupil progress; design and implement classroom management strategies; act as a liaison between students, parents and the community; develop targeted interventions for underperforming students, as well as participate in collaborative problem solving with school stakeholders.

Prior to this position, I was employed as a Site Coordinator for the Safe Passages program at Havenscourt Middle School in the Oakland Unified School District. In this role, I managed the collaborative support process to build and sustain school-community partnerships including program design, management, training, evaluation and resource development. In addition, I worked collaboratively with local, state and federal agencies to implement successful interventions to identify and monitor at-risk and high-risk students; coordinate and participate in Student Study Team (SST) meetings; as well as related SART referrals; advise students and family with behavioral and attendance problems; refer families to various agencies for available resources including counseling, health care, case management, mental health, tutoring, and after-school services; implement alcohol, tobacco, drug and violence prevention programs and promote educational and vocational pathways.

I also worked as a Research Interventionist on the Stanford University GEMS Program, (Girls Health Enrichment Multi-Site Studies) a community and family-based project funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Stanford Prevention Research Center (SPRC). The goal of the program was to improve health, educational and life outcomes for at-risk African-American girls by testing the efficacy of successful interventions to prevent obesity. My duties included, conduct needs assessment; work in community settings with diverse populations; conduct home and site visits; interview families; coordinate recruitment efforts; collaborate and develop partnerships with local, state and federal agencies to disseminate information and to provide resources; establish after school programs; design health education curriculum; coordinate community health events; track and monitor attendance data; make presentations; conduct program evaluations; input required documentation and perform quality control.

Finally, I taught at Laurel Elementary School in the Oakland Unified School District from 1996-2000. In this position, I coordinated an after school tutoring program and worked with the Healthy Start team to bring high quality, affordable programs to the school, including an after school enrichment and sports program.

I received my undergraduate degree from Cal State University, Northridge; my teaching credential from Holy Names University, as well as my Masters in Education and Administrative Services Credential from U.C. Berkeley. In total, I have almost 20 years of educational experience. In these positions, I've gained valuable experience working with diverse populations to build trust and strong systems to IMPACT positive change. In closing, I'm dedicated to the academic achievement and success of every child! This includes a commitment to social justice and equity and to building strong schools, families and communities!

Natasha Flint-Moore Headshot

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My belief that every child has value and can learn at the highest level of rigor is at the core of my educational philosophy.

To this end, my goal is to ensure greater opportunity for ALL students, especially those from underserved populations and communities who may lack access to a quality education and who may suffer disproportionately from poor schooling and health disparities.