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Oakland Literacy Coalition

We are thrilled to welcome Oakland Literacy Coalition to Reach Academy!

The Oakland Literacy Coalition (OLC) is a collaboration of literacy service providers, foundations, businesses, Oakland city representatives, the Oakland Unified School District and other community partners committed to the goal of equipping, at a proficient level, all Oakland children with the life skills of reading, writing, and communication by the end of third grade.

Through the support of OLC, organzations like Super Stars Literacy, and Reading Partners are helping our students to succeed by supporting their acquisition of reading skills.

Thanks to OLC, and their commitment to our students, some of our 4th and 5th graders are also getting critical intervention to help improve their reading skills before going off to middle school. While most programs are not aimed at this age group, OLC and Reading Partners have stepped up to support the students who need it most.

To find out more about Reading Partners and Super Stars Literacy, click on their link on the left side of this page. To find out more about Oakland Literacy Coalition, click on their name in green at the top of this page!
